Online Return & Exchange Policy
To be eligible for a return, your item must be in its original packaging and in the same condition that you received it. If within 30 days of your order you decide that it’s not for you, or if something is wrong with your order, get in touch with your order details and we’ll take care of the rest. If it’s been between 31 and 100 days, we’ll gladly exchange your item for something that better fits your needs. If the new item sells for more than your original purchase, you’ll just need to cover the difference in pricing. Our 100-day satisfaction guarantee is here to give you peace of mind, so you can shop confidently and find the perfect plant-based package for you.
Until your request for return or exchange has been reviewed by our service team, please do not send your purchase back to us without receiving confirmation first that we would like you to do so. Sometimes it’s more environmentally friendly not to ship back and forth, and we want to respect that it may not be worth the effort to do this.
If we do ask for you to return your purchase to us, we’ll confirm a return shipping location for you and provide you with a shipping label. A pro-rated amount equal to the shipping cost of your original order and/or the return shipping label is non-refundable and will be deducted from your total refund amount, if applicable.
If you’re looking to return or exchange an item that you’ve purchased through a third party, such as a local distributor or another online e-commerce platform like Amazon, we’ll need you to contact them first to discuss their returns and exchange process. If you’ve been struggling to come to a resolution with one of our third-party sellers, please reach out to us for further assistance.