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Find Your Perfect
Packaging Material Fit

Choosing the right packaging for your food products can be a challenge, especially when you’re balancing shelf life, product protection, and presentation. That’s where our Packaging Personality Quiz can help!

We’ve been in the packaging business for a good while and have seen a thing or two. We spend our time learning about the unique needs of businesses like yours, and making tailored recommendations to help you find the perfect fit. 💚

Whether you’re in the biz of packing fresh herbs, leafy greens, or microgreens and searching for eco friendly produce packaging, or you’re looking for packaging for baked goods like delicate cupcakes or macarons, this tool is designed just for you.

Think of it as finding your product’s personality. Does your product demand the spotlight and need maximum visibility to stand out on a shelf? Do your baked goods like to feel hugged, safe and secure and need tamper resistant packaging for added safety?

By answering just a few simple questions about what you’re packing, where you’re selling, and how important features like recyclability or durability are to you, we’ll match you with the ideal packaging material solution.

So, does your product have personality? Take the quiz now and find the packaging solution that’s the perfect match for its needs!

Need a hand with your results?

Book a free, no-commitment consultation to learn more about materials, features, and everything in between.