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five reasons why simply secure packaging might be right for you. and a good natured® bonus.

We’ve all heard about tamper evident packaging for the medicine cabinet, but is it really necessary when it comes to food packaging? Our answer at good natured® is… well, sometimes but not always. But rather than make the choice more overwhelming, we thought we’d share a few simple tips you might want to consider in deciding if it’s right for your business.

1. Your Products Pass Through Lots of Hands Before Arriving at Their Final Destination
Your business is your baby, and making sure what you’re selling is fresh and safe for your customers is always extremely important. If you’ve got oversight of your supply chain from production to retail shelf, tamper mechanisms might not be as big of a concern. But if your products are passing through lots of hands along the way, you might want to consider adding a layer of security to ensure no one gets access till they land in your customers’ bellies. An additional benefit is that your retailers will have confidence that your product is ready to go.

2. You’re Not Able to Guard Your Products on the Retail Shelf
Super busy running between food prep and front of house? If you’re leaving stuff out, you want to make sure that there aren’t any sticky fingers getting in when you’re not looking. If a package looks like it’s been opened, you can’t be confident selling it, and no customer will pick it up, which leads to food waste, which we’re all trying to manage effectively.

3. The Offline Methods of Making a Tamper Evident Package are Inefficient
Maybe you like the labels on your package, but maybe it adds a step to your production process and is slowing you down. What if you could have the package and the tamper evident mechanism in one single step? If that delivers big time savings for you, Simply Secure packaging might be a good investment for your business.

4. Labels Are Covering Up All Your Gorgeous Goods
Like we mentioned above, we know lots of food producers and retailers who make it clear to customers no one’s been handling the food by adding a label that secures the package opening. If this is efficient and you need to display a lot of information on a label, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this method. However, if you’re finding your products are hidden under a carpet of labelling and want to show them off more, you may want to consider letting the package do the securing instead of a big label. Also note that compostability and recyclability can be severely impacted by labels so this might be another reason to consider making those less prominent.

5. Your Customers Are Asking For It
Last but certainly not least, maybe you’re able to keep an eye on things from production all the way through to retail sales. And maybe you’re quite happy with your packaging and labels, thank you very much! But what if you’re getting questions from customers about food safety and what you’re doing to reduce the risk of tampering? In this case, even if none of the other reasons apply, you might still want to consider tamper evident packaging to build confidence in your brand and reputation.

Bonus: good natured® Offers Simply Secure Packaging Made from Plants, not Petroleum
Convinced that tamper evident packaging might be right for you, but not sure about all the different material choices? good natured® gives you better security and lets you do something better for the planet, all at the same time. Our Simply Secure tamper evident packaging is made from 99% annually renewable, plant-based materials and no BPAs, phthalates or other nasty chemicals. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too? ????

Have we got you thinking Simply Secure packaging sounds like a good fit for your business? If so, click here to speak with our super Sales Associate, Kianna.

If we’ve caught your eye, but Simply Secure isn’t necessary for your business needs, that’s no problem. You’re still able to check out a sample of good natured® plant-based packaging, by clicking here.